Function FixNull(v)
if isNull(v) then
FixNull = ""
FixNull = v
End If
End Function
Function NameFromMonth(iMonth)
'There is an ASP function called
'NameFromMonth that does this,
'but it does not seem to
'work in all cases
select case cint(iMonth)
case 1
s = "January"
case 2
s = "February"
case 3
s = "March"
case 4
s = "April"
case 5
s = "May"
case 6
s = "June"
case 7
s = "July"
case 8
s = "August"
case 9
s = "September"
case 10
s = "October"
case 11
s = "November"
case 12
s = "December"
end select
NameFromMonth = s
End Function
Function LastDay(testYear, testMonth)
LastDay = Day(DateSerial(testYear, testMonth + 1, 0))
End Function
Function GetPrevMonth(iThisMonth,iThisYear)
End Function
Function GetPrevMonthYear(iThisMonth,iThisYear)
End Function
Function GetNextMonth(iThisMonth,iThisYear)
End Function
Function GetNextMonthYear(iThisMonth,iThisYear)
End Function
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='javascript'>
function showevent (ID)
window.open("ShowEventDetails.asp?ID=" + ID, "nw",'titlebar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no,top=120,left=200,width=400,height=300')
iMonth=Request.QueryString ("Month")
iYear=Request.QueryString ("Year")
if trim(iMonth) = "" then iMonth = Month(Now)
if trim(iYear) = "" then iYear = Year(Now)
Response.Write ("<center><b><font size='3' FACE='Arial,Helvetica'> ")
Response.Write ("<a href='default.asp?month=" & GetPrevMonth(iMonth,iYear) & "&year=" & GetPrevMonthYear(iMonth,iYear) & "'><<</a>" & " ")
Response.Write ( sMonth & ", " & iYear & " " )
Response.Write ("<a href='default.asp?month=" & GetNextMonth(iMonth,iYear) & "&year=" & GetNextMonthYear(iMonth,iYear) & "'>>></a><br></b></font><br>")
<table border="1">
<td width="70" bgcolor="#FFFF99" height="16"><font color="#000000"><b>Sun</b></font></td>
<td width="70" bgcolor="#FFFF99" height="16"><font color="#000000"><b>Mon</b></font></td>
<td width="70" bgcolor="#FFFF99" height="16"><font color="#000000"><b>Tue</b></font></td>
<td width="70" bgcolor="#FFFF99" height="16"><font color="#000000"><b>Wed</b></font></td>
<td width="70" bgcolor="#FFFF99" height="16"><font color="#000000"><b>Thu</b></font></td>
<td width="70" bgcolor="#FFFF99" height="16"><font color="#000000"><b>Fri</b></font></td>
<td width="70" bgcolor="#FFFF99" height="16"><font color="#000000"><b>Sat</b></font></td>
<!--#include file = "database.inc"-->
i = 0
iLastDay = LastDay(iYear, iMonth)
iFirstDay= Weekday(CDate(imonth & "/01/" & iYear))
iLastDay = iFirstDay + iLastDay - 1
do while i<= iLastDay
if i <> iLastDay then
Response.Write ("<tr>")
exit do
end if
for j=1 to 7
if (j < iFirstDay and i = 0) or (i + j > iLastDay) then
Response.Write ("<td width='90' height='75' valign='top' bgcolor='#D5D5D5' NOWRAP></td>")
k = k + 1
sDate = "#" & iMonth & "/" & k & "/" & iYear & "#"
set rs = conn.execute("SELECT * FROM EVENTS WHERE DATE = " & sDate)
if rs.eof then
sHREF = "AddEvent.asp"
sEvent = ""
sHREF = "EditEvent.asp"
sEvent = " <P><FONT SIZE=-2 FACE='Arial,Helvetica'><A HREF = 'javascript:showevent(" & rs("ID") & ")'>" & rs("Description") & "</A><BR>"
if FixNull(rs("Time")) <> "" then sEvent = sEvent & rs("Time") & "<BR>"
if FixNull(rs("Location")) <> "" then sEvent = sEvent & rs("Location")
sEvent = sEvent & "</FONT>"
End If
sHREF = sHREF & "?Month=" & iMonth & "&Day=" & k & "&Year=" & iYear
If j=1 Then
If Trim(iYear) = Trim(year(date)) and Trim(iMonth) = Trim(month(date)) And Trim(k) = Trim(day(date)) Then
Response.Write ("<td width='90' height='75' valign='top' bgcolor='#FAED7D'>")
Response.Write ("<td width='90' height='75' valign='top' bgcolor='#FF7E7E'>")
End If
elseif j=7 Then
If Trim(iYear) = Trim(year(date)) and Trim(iMonth) = Trim(month(date)) And Trim(k) = Trim(day(date)) Then
Response.Write ("<td width='90' height='75' valign='top' bgcolor='#FAED7D'>")
Response.Write ("<td width='90' height='75' valign='top' bgcolor='#9DCEFF'>")
End If
ElseIf Trim(iYear) = Trim(year(date)) and Trim(iMonth) = Trim(month(date)) And Trim(k) = Trim(day(date)) Then
Response.Write ("<td width='90' height='75' valign='top' bgcolor='#FAED7D'>")
Response.Write ("<td width='90' height='75' valign='top'>")
End If
Response.Write "<B>"
Response.Write "<A HREF = '" & sHREF & "'>"
Response.write k & "</A></B>" & sEvent
Response.Write ("</td>")
end If
Response.Write ("</tr>")
<!--#include file = "database_cleanup.inc"-->